
hello there.

Hewitt here.

Here, there, everywhere.

You might be wondering how to tell the two of us apart when we write joint posts/pages.

The headers of pages, for starters.

Ms. Noel will always say “Why hello.”, while my salutation will remain the classic, startled “Hello there.”

The writing style, secondly.

In case you haven’t noticed, I, Hewitt, write in choppy, short paragraphs, just long enough to address the topic at hand.

Almost stanzas. Though I am not a poet.

Sentence fragments and single words are plentiful.

Long paragraphs do not catch my attention, and I like to think that at least some of my thoughts apply to other people as well.

Some may describe my writing as strange, like a book printed in yellow ink, or misplaced beats in a song.

I’d like to think of them as a pre-recorded, assumed conversation. Please do play along.

I also find a particular joy in being especially old-fashioned, polite, and respectful. I address people as “Ms.”, “Mrs.”, or “Mr.”, and I shun contractions when possible.

I, in addition, am magnetized by rhetorical devices. Imagery, alliterations, onomatopoeia, juxtaposition. All things I love.

Ms. Noel, on the other hand, prefers to write in longer, standard-length sections, and talks in the manner of a modern human.

She writes like an author, in flowing sentences and words, rather than the eccentric, imagined conversations I carry.

I really do not know how to describe her writing. Brilliant is a good word.

You will soon see, dear reader.

May the spot-the-difference game begin.

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